Chapter 1

Question 6. Give uses of computer in the following fields.



  • Education
  • Business
  • Defense
  • Media


  • Education:
    • CBD (Computer based Education) software tool is used.
    • It is easier to search information on internet rather than searching in books.
    • It is easier to store information on computers rather than on hand written notes.
    • It is easier to share information using computer (internet) rather than following traditional sources.
    • Distance learning education is possible due to computer networking.
  • Business
    • Computers has vital role in maintain business.
    • Ordering products, price checking as easier using computer.
    • Businessmen can easily maintain/ keep track of their business loss and profit.
  • Defense
    • Controlling unarmed air-craft.
    • GPS can be used to find exact coordinates of a location.
    • Computers can guide incoming missiles.
    • Almost all the modern weapons can be controlled by computer.
  • Media
    • Computers are used in print and electronic media.
    • Print media like newspapers, magazines are designed and generated using computer.
    • In Electronic media like email, Websites, blogging, TV computer are used.



Question 7. Write note on any five input devices.


1. Keyboard:

  • Keyboard allows user to enter data into computer
  • Keyboard includes alphabets, numbers, punctuation and other keys
  • Most popular keyboard is QWERTY layout because the top most alphabetic keys are QWERTY

2. Mouse:

  • Mouse is an input pointing device.
  • Mechanical Mouse has a rubber ball on its underside to detect movement of mouse.
  • A cordless mouse transmits data using wireless technology.

3. Touch Screen:

  • Touch screen is a touch sensitive input device
  • It is used in stores, hotels and airports.
  • Touch screens are used in ATM machines.

4. Digital Camera:

  • A digital camera takes pictures and stores the images digitally.
  • Digital camera use different media to storeimages like memory card etc
  • The quality if digital camera is determined by resolution and color depth.

5. Microphone

  • Microphone is an input device
  • Microphone is used for voice recording
  • Microphone converts voice signal into digital form